Membership DIRECTORY
Please let Lisa Bryson, our Membership Chair, know in advance if you intend to bring a friend to the meeting.
A prospective member is required to attend two club activities, one general meeting and one other event, or two general meetings. After the potential member attends their second meeting/event they are invited to join the club by applying and paying $75.00 annual dues. The Membership Chair will forward your application to the Board of Directors for review once she has received it. Applicants who are approved into the club are extended an invitation to attend the following regular club meeting, where they will be formally initiated into the organization.
Each member is required to contribute $75 annually and serve on at least one committee. Each of our members is encouraged to attend as many meetings, social activities, craft days, and volunteer opportunities as their time and interests permit.
The Board of Directors and Executive Committee meet monthly, September through May. These meetings are held at our clubhouse on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 A.M.
All WCB members and invited guests meet monthly, September through May. These luncheon meetings are held at our clubhouse on the second Tuesday of the month. Though sometimes we vary the usual schedule is as follows:
- 11:00 A.M. Business Meeting
- 12:00 P.M. Social Time
- 12:30 P.M. Catered Lunch
- 1:00 P.M. Program with a Guest Speaker
Our monthly speakers are announced through our newsletter that is sent to members once a month.
The monthly luncheon fee is $20.00 and should be paid at the door by cash or checks. Checks payable to The Woman’s Club of Bethesda, Inc. Reservations by RSVP-ing through the newsletter, or by emailing our Hospitality Chairwomen RoseMarie Winiewicz or Susan Lowenfeld.